New Ski-Land Now OPEN

Welcome to New Ski-Land. A winter theme park the size of New Zealand.

Every year New Zealand turns into New Ski-Land, the world’s largest winter theme park. From Otou to Slope Point, the entire country is packed with amazing rides, attractions and food options that everyone can enjoy. To show Aussies everything they could do at the world’s most amazing winter theme park, we created a fully interactive map where they could discover the best way to spend their winter. (click here to play for yourself)

However, Australia has one of the largest populations of winterphobes (the effect of having the best Summer in the world) so we had to show summer loving Aussies that New Ski-Land was so good, it could even convert the biggest winterphobe, Harries from Bondi Rescue. So we sent him over to be the first to experience it and tell the tanned hordes back home.